Monday 26 March 2012

Task 1b, Web 2.0

As I have the time i shall try and discuss web 2.0. This term was veru unclear to me at the beginning of my course and it freaked me out!! but when explained about web1.0 and comparing them my understanding is its kind of a more social version of the basic internet.
i have read the course reader and it has baffled my mind so i shall talk more about what i know of web 2.0. the likes of Facebook and Twitter i must say is definitly a guilty pleasure of mine, i find them interesting and indeed very clever!! i love to update my status tweet people follow people tag people etc etc. it amuses me to find out what others do in such a quick and easy way no more phone calls!!
on the other hand inn ways you have to be so careful of the internet, in a job like mine where i work with children and they have parents etc i need to watch what i say upload and my language. even when i fisrt started this course i was thinking but i can't write about the kids and i can't upload images in my job!! i do feel they are great things in life today but also very risky!! i have personally been hacked into on my email facebook and msn it was not a nice experience, but now a days i do feel the security is alot better with privacy settings etc. on many things they have the adult ban too.
on a positive note web 2.0 lets us speak and be creative and no1 can edit what we say. people have the choice if they want to listen to what we have to say, it gives us the chance to voice our opinions and share with our friends.
last thing i wanted to say was just about this course and if web 2.0 did not exsist how different would this course be??????

Busy term

I am aware I have not blogged in a long time I have been busy with many different things. Things at work have been very busy with working on receptions show which they perform this week I have been able to use all my delivery skills i have learnt on previous courses. also i have teamed up with Natalia hyson (another student on this course) and she has choregraphed a dance for children at my school who will be performing it at the dance festival for schools. It has been a good process making me feel its the road id love to go down.
On that note, I will briefly discuss my feelings on teaching today. It has become past the point of bout the individual child it is now all about statistics and meeting certain criterias. for children at the age of 4 and 5 they are expected to be writting a sentence hen really half of them need to be taught how to play and socialize properly but that side if it gets lost due to how many observations me and the teacher have to do through out the day.
A student came in the other week with a survey on whether children should be schooled later or ealier, this really got me thinking... as you may know n most countries children do not start school until they are 7 where as here legally it's 5. i agree with taking children to nursery or play school for social reasons, however in a learning aspect for too much is expected of them. yes if you have a good teacher the child can move on so quickly but some children get left behind because we have to concerntarte on getting scores high and assessements done.
that is just a touch on what i have been thinking about lately i shall hopefully soon get a chance to tslk about web 2.0!!