Monday 25 March 2013

All go!!

So a brief update, I am just making my way through lots of figures I have from my school on children and their scorings in certain subjects. Very useful to me as it is all worked out base on birthdates and sectioned into Autumn spring and summer which has been very interesting and helpful for my inquiry. Analysisng it all is proving to be quite time consuming but as I said it is very useful so worth it. I shall be crafting my report soon so wish me luck :)

Monday 11 March 2013


So it's week 5 and I am currently writing a sample analysis of my findings. I have found many articles on the internet and I have carried out a few interviews. I feel positive about my inquiry and am enjoying finding out different views on the thoughts on summer and winter born babies. I am aware campus sessions go on but as I work fulltime I am unable to attend these. But I am in regular contact with Alan on my progress. I'd love to know what people are doing and where they are at with their inquires, do comment below....