Monday 22 April 2013

Nearly there

I hope everyone is getting on well. We have not got long and for once I can sayi am not leaving it all to the last few days :) It's been hard work but I am still working hard. I have finshed some pieces and drafted the rest. So on I go.........

Friday 12 April 2013


So I have been off from work for two weeks and have struggled to do so much of BAPP work as we all know tutors have been off. But I have tried my best!!
I have still continued to compare and contrast all my data concentrated on just doing this. I have tried my best to get my head around the havard system.. thanks those who helped me out!! So I have written my first draft off my analysis and am waiting on feedback. I have also done my introduction but still lots and lots more to do!! Lots of words to be writing!!
Hopefully when Alan is back next week I can meet with him for a chat so I can get clear on the next part!!
So good luck everyone!!

Thursday 4 April 2013


So BAPP students I need your help on the Harvard system, it kind of confuses me!! I think I have it then I get feedback and I still don't quite have it right??
Anyone give me an example :)


So I am still writing up my analysis of all my findings and will then start to do all the final parts. Once this is polished I shall blog it but I am using all my finding in the write up so shall not be blogging the bits as of yet.
But I have really found my inquiry interesting in looking at summer and winter borns and it really has expanded my knowledge in childrens education and how certain children learn and behave. Many teachers I have interviewed I know have thought more about strategies to help children that need it because they may be youngest etc.
If anyone has anything to say on this matter then please go ahead and comment below....