Friday, 31 August 2012

Task 4a

These are my questions that I shall be asking other people on thier views. I will be more than grateful if my fellow students could post onto here your views, answers and just some general feed back. Once I have put out a questionaire I will blog the outcomes and my reflection on this.

1. In the UK children legally have to attend school from their fifth birthday, in other countires it is six or seven. Do you feel five is too young to attend full time education?

2. Do you feel that children who go to school at the age of 5 without attending nursery miss an important social interactive learning experience?

3. Do you think children being taught phonics at the age of 3 is beneficial for their future learning?

4. Do you feel schools are as inclusive as they say they can be?

5. Alot of reception and nusery children are taught through child intiated play and also adult led activities. Which do you feel has more of an impact on their learning?

6. Many schools now have a teaching assistant aswell as the class teacher. Do you feel they are as important as each other?


  1. I think Schools do need to be more inclusive personally... but I don't know if peoples thinking has developed enough to allow it. People, with disabilities say are still presented as very much their own group of people. I mean just look at the Paralympics. Instead of just combining Olympic and Paralympic sports to make it all part of one competition would be much better. I suppose until that kind of thinking has changed things can't really be 100% inclusive.

  2. Hi claire, im just writting in regards to question 2. Do you feel that children who go to school at the age of 5 without attending nursery miss an important social interactive learning experience?

    This question really caught my interest, as you know i am also doing home visits and i have noticed alot of children have not many social skills and they havent attended nursery, however do you beleive that if children are taken to music club and mums and childrens group this can give them social interaction and learning expeirences without attending nursery?

  3. Paul.. thanks for your comment, it is such a hard question to answer. I think peoples views of inclusion is very different. maybe a question I could ask would be How can a 'mainstream school' be more inclusive??

    Natalia.. I completly agree. I think socially it is brilliant. I think it is a positive thing and am actually questionning if 5 isn't young enough?? but that is the legal requirement for this country.. but be interesting to compare our education system to one where they don't start till age of 7 or 8???
