Sunday, 6 January 2013

Critical Reflection

Critical Reflection on Professional Practitioner Inquiry
I went off on the wrong track for task 4 I thought I had to come up with questionnaires for people to answer, realising this is not what was expected I had to in fact think of questions to then analyse and think how can I make them better. After adapting my questions and really thinking about each individual question I realised how good you can make a question to get great answers. I realised all my questions were related in some way being all about ages that children start school and the settling down process for reception children. From task 4a I knew it was my line of inquiry. From these tasks I did think of something else I could question this being about the effects on summer born children. So it was me exploring certain topics through questions.(Appendix A)(Appendix B)(Appendix C)(Appendix D)
Reader 5 was interesting and explained to me in detail what I needed to learn about this task. It taught me the most and I referred back to this throughout the task. It was the most educational one for me I learnt lots. I never thought about ethics before at work or at home. It really got me thinking about the way I am with professionals and the general public. It made me think ahead for my inquiry and think of how much there is going to be put into the process. It was great to explore and observe peoples ethics. I enjoyed researched into my settings ethics and whether or not people really do follow them. I learnt that everybody has ethics at home and work. I will really think hard about my ethics for my inquiry. (Appendix E)(Appendix F)(Appendix G)(Appendix H)
Task 6 for me was really key to testing certain ways of collecting data. It was the most time consuming task yet. Which I guess was preparation for what’s to come next. After reading through reader 6 I realised what pilot was. I got that it was testing and trying out different ways of getting information. When I read the reader I really carefully picked which rules I’d go by with the methods. It was not only helpful in deciding what tools I will use for my inquiry but all the data I collected from  the answers I have recoded and plan to use them as part of the inquiry. All that kept going through my mind was ‘to make your practise better’. I wanted to make sure I picked something relevant to me. Something I could apply practically in my practise. I also wanted to do something that wasn’t to open and something that no-one has really touched on before. At the start I was going to call it Early years but as I now have learnt it is too broad. I could take months inquiring about it and I need to really particular so I could get quality out of my inquiry. The tasks have helped me to explore certain topics, I look forward to going deep into the subject.(Appendix I)(Appendix J)(Appendix K)
Appendix of all my research

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