So after having a nice week off for half term. I'm back in the swing of things at work. As we are well into the 2nd term at school now my role has really become important. Reception are expected to do alot of reading and writing yet so many of our children are EAL children, which is English as an additional language. they struggle with even understanding what is being expected of them. this is when visual aids are really important and i would use these during carpet time.
The children learn to read and write through phonics. This far into a school year me being the TA takes certain groups out to push them forwards in their phonics and to ensure they aren't behind. I took a group this afternoon, which we were doing CVC words(consonant,vowel,consonant). One of them afterwards said that really helped me. I think it is very important for children to have that extra time when needed.
Recently reception have had to get their childrens assessments done. Reading high frequency words. checking letters, sounds. I feel that children at such a young age shouldn't be expected to know all of this. Alot of them need to be taught in play and social skills yet all that gets lost as for me and the teacher is constantly about having assess and observe. Observing, now thats a whole different kettle of fish, we have to observe three children a week and then do PLOds for them the following week, which are activities to push them. in the mean time the children will be loosing focus as they need guidance but we rarely have time to be model whats right and wrong.
That is really interesting Claire. Do you find a differecne between boys and girls in terms of engagement? Its something I am interested in.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Do be careful to discuss these issuses in the most generalised terms becuase the Blog-sphere is a public space and we need to protect the identities and interests of others, especially children (not that you have) but just to remind ourselves.
I look forward to seeing the other tasks tackled in your Blog.
Do make sure you are vusing Google reader to subscribe to other student Blogs and to make frequesnt comments so they will come and visit your Blog so you get more feedback.
ReplyDeleteThe tool of observation is one that we will be talking a lot more about in Module 2 - but many of us in education or business use observation as a way of finding out how things really are in order to make appropriate 'interventions'. You seem to notes several different types of observation, maybe make a note of these too for when you start your personal journal for the course.
One way of making the most of your observations is to describe them briefly, as alan suggests using generic terms and not naming anyone except by role (that is called anonymising) and then seeing if you can find out more about what is happening... so if you think children are being asked for skills that you feel might be further than they need at that points - check out what other educators have said about it. For example the Montessori system?
People also talk alot about the use of social media in primary schools. Any opinions?