Monday, 17 December 2012

Task 6a

For my pilot interview I wanted to research on official data. I will use the interviewee’s answers as evidence. I want to ask why to someone who has experience in my subject of inquiry and who has the correct knowledge. I want to find out others perception on my chosen topic. I can use this all as data. I will do the interview face to face and it will be an individual and it will be structured questions. I want the interview to feel relaxed and be like a conversation between two colleges. I will ensure I use appropriate language and make sure the interviewee knows what the interview is being used for. I will research data on the literature of my inquiry and look into the government’s policies. I have chosen someone who works in my work place and has many years of experience and is currently studying education. I intend to do the interview on neutral ground which will be at the school in her classroom. I will make notes throughout and not record so it won’t intimidate my interviewee.

This is my structure for the interview.

1.       More than half of the late comers are summer born, how can this affect them in their learning?

2.       The age children start school is 4-5 in the UK and is different depending in the countries law. It has never been proven as to why there are any benefits to this. What could be the positives for a child to start later than the age of 5?

3.       89% September, 10% January, 1% April. As shown the majority start in September in reception. To save the minority falling behind others why do you think the government have given this choice in the first place?

4.       Statistics prove that children who enter school earlier than others immediately do better in tests. What methods can teaching staff use to try their best to make this not the case?

For my pilot survey I want people’s opinions and what they think. I will do it in a style of a questionnaire. I want to gather a wide range of answers so I will try to hand it to teachers from different year’s groups. I will try my best to ask parents, staff and other people who work with children in different settings. I will simply hand it to them and they can hand back to me when they wish.

This is my structure for my survey.

1.       Why do you think people feel 4 years old is too young for their child to start school, and therefore wait until their 5th birthday? Does this affect the child and why>

2.       So some countries in Europe have their pupils attend school first at the age of 7, why do you think the UK has chosen 4-5? If any?

3.       Research tells me that 10,000 summer born children fail to achieve 5a*-c’s at GCSE’s. What are your initial thoughts on this?

4.       4. If you could make up your own laws on public schooling what age would the children start and why?

For my pilot focus group I want to do a group interview with people with the same interests so in my case I will choose my fellow colleges in my year group. As Bell comments “focus groups are more likely to include members who either have similar characteristics or experience… or are known to have a professional concern about and knowledge of the issues involved.” I feel it is important that the other people are just as keen and knowledgeable about the topic as am I. I want the group to feel comfortable and will do it casually on a lunch break in our staffroom and jot notes down. I will use as the spokes person who will trigger the questions. To manage it I will ensure were in a circle and everyone can be heard and seen. String personalities can be an issue so I will therefore direct some questions at certain people. I want to develop my inquiry and make people think of my topic. I want to make it relevant to others practise.

This is my structure for the focus group.

1.       How can we help the younger ones settle in?

2.       If we have children who start in January or April what do we do to get their learning up to the standards of others?

3.       Does having a long process to settle the summer/winter baby’s help or not?

For the pilot observation I will observe my class teacher. I will ensure I do a framework and show the teacher. They can be time consuming so I will do it when the time is best for the teacher. I will make sure I have permission and reassure that it will be confidential. I have chosen to observe the teacher when they’re doing what we call a plod activity. The teacher will sit with a child observe them and move the child’s learning on there and then. The child will be a summer born baby and the child would have been a child who settled in last and had the longer process. I will see the techniques of the teacher.

This is my stature for the observation.

1.       What does the teacher do to boost the child’s confidence and to help the child?

2.       How does the teacher adapt it for that child?

3.       What language does the teacher use?



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