Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Starting 5a

Just touching on the ethics of my workplace. I have never ever thought about these so I shall mention the ones that have sprung to my mind.

I feel working anywhere but for my school arriving on time is crucial but I feel arriving at least 15 minutes before your start time is a must to make sure you have all things ready for the day ahead. Making sure your presentation is appropriate, you are wearing suitable clothes. So if working with early years making sure you don’t mind getting your clothes and foot wear dirty. Making sure you don’t have any jewellery on that could put the children or you at risk. Making sure all your body is covered up and any tattoos aren’t on show. We expect the children not to be wearing jewellery or stick ons so don’t be hypercritical. Be a role model. It is an obvious but ensuring the environment is safe reporting anything you think will be an issue and not keep it to yourself. Follow any risk assessments put in place.  Informing all the team of anything they will need to know. Of a morning or afternoon or eve throughout the day if needed to make sure parents or careers know what they need to as well. Ensuring anything children parents or colleges have told you confidentially it stays that way. Again another obvious one is using appropriate language talk to the children and parents how you would expect them to talk to you. Use the right words and tone with them. At all times throughout the day regardless of how busy you are making sure the children are always safe. Recognising when an activity or session is not working and adapting it straight away. Lastly always communicate clearly to the children don’t confuse them in any way.

This was my initial thoughts of it I am sure I will now really notice the ethics in my professional practise and ensure I am bettering my practise.

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